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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/14/21 A New Way of Thinking Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM A_New_Way_of_Thinking_02142021.mp3
02/07/21 Facing the Flames of Conflict Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Faceing_the_Flames_of_Conflict_0207221.mp3
01/31/21 No Change Arranged Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM No_Change_Arranged_0131201.mp3
01/24/21 Don't Sweat the Treat Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Dont_Sweat_the_Treat_0142021.mp3
11/22/20 Developing Graditude Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Developing_Graditude_11222020.mp3
11/15/20 Keep Tying Knots Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Keep_Tying_Knots_11152020.mp3
11/08/20 That's Life Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Thats_Life_1108020.mp3
11/01/20 Finding Light Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Finding_Light_11012020.mp3
10/25/20 Letting Our Light Shine Brandon Solomon Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Letting_Our_Light_Shine_10252020.mp3
10/18/20 Prayer Allen Jones Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Prayer_10182020.mp3
10/04/20 Sin of Partiality Andy Wilson Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Sin_of_Partiality_10042020.mp3
09/20/20 Deception Allen Jones Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Deception_09202020.mp3
09/13/20 Anger Andy Wilson Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Anger_09132020.mp3
09/06/20 When Negitive Thoughts Are Running Your Life Ed Williams Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM When_Negitive_Thoughts_Are_Running_Your_Life_09062020.mp3
08/30/20 Living on Borrowed Time Brandon Solomon Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Living_on_Borrowed_Time_08302020.mp3
08/23/20 The Way of Man Allen Jones Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM The_Way_of_Man_08232020.mp3
08/16/20 Old Law Contrasted With New Law Brandon Cline Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Old_Law_Contrasted_With_New_Law_08162020.mp3
08/09/20 Rich and Poor Andy Wilson Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Rich_and_Poor_08092020.mp3
08/02/20 Personel Work Darrell Powell Bible Class N/A Sun Bible Study Personel_Work_08022020.mp3
08/02/20 Take Your Medicine Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Take_Your_Medicine_08022020.mp3
07/12/20 From Good to Bad Andy Wilson Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM From_Good_to_Bad_07122020.mp3
07/05/20 Will the Kingdom of God Stand Ed Williams Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Will_the_Kingdom_of_God_Stand_07052020.mp3
06/28/20 Starving for Excellence Mark McCrary Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Starving_for_Excellence_06282020.mp3
06/21/20 Abounding Allen Jones Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Abounding_06212020.mp3
06/14/20 Having The Mind of Christ in the Local Church Ed Williams Sermon N/A Sun 11:00 am Having_The_Mind_of_Christ_in_the_Local_Church_-_06142020.mp3

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