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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/13/22 I'm Not Ashamed of My Lord Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Im_Not_Ashamed_of_My_Lord_02132022.mp3
02/06/22 God Testing Abraham Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM God_Testing_Abraham_02062022.mp3
01/30/22 Attributes of God Ed Williams Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Attributes_of_God_01302022.mp3
01/23/22 Is God Jealous Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Is_God_Jealous_01262022.mp3
01/16/22 Is God Arrogant Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Is_God_Arrogant_01162021.mp3
01/09/22 Impactful Lives pt II Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Impactful_Lives_01092022.mp3
01/02/22 Impactful Lifes pt I Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Impactful_Lifes_01022022.mp3
12/26/21 Living for the Invisible Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Living_for_the_Invisible_12262021.mp3
12/19/21 Doctrinal Differences - Institutionalism Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Doctrinal_Differences_-_Institutionalism_12192021.mp3
12/12/21 Doctrinal Differences - Church Organization Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Doctrinal_Differences_-_Church_Organization_12122021.mp3
12/05/21 Doctrinal Differences - Music Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Doctrinal_Differences_-_Music_12052021.mp3
11/28/21 Contrary Winds of This Life Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Contrary_Winds_of_This_Life_11282021.mp3
11/21/21 What is in a Name Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM What_is_in_a_Name_11212021.mp3
11/14/21 Christ Our Foundation Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Christ_Our_Foundation_11142021.mp3
11/07/21 Christ the Head of the Church Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Christ_the_Head_of_the_Church_11072021.mp3
10/31/21 Who Died for the Church Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Who_Died_for_the_Church_10312021.mp3
10/24/21 False Arguments Made By Denominations Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM False_Arguments_Made_By_Denominations_10242021.mp3
10/17/21 The Condemnation of Denominationalism Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM The_Condemnation_of_Denominationalism_10172021.mp3
10/10/21 Founded on Doctrine Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Founded_on_Doctrine_10102021.mp3
10/03/21 Ten Christian Characteristic Darrell Powell Sermon N/A Sun 10:00 AM Ten_Christian_Characteristic_10032021.mp3
10/01/21 Ever Nearer Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Fri Night Ever_Nearer_10012021.mp3
09/30/21 Love,Time, and Death Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Thur Night LoveTime_and_Death_09302021.mp3
09/29/21 The Brevity of Life Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Wed Night The_Brevity_of_Life_09292021.mp3
09/28/21 What Do You Need to Hear Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Tuesday Night What_Do_You_Need_to_Hear_09282021.mp3
09/27/21 A Sermon About Nothing Keith Stonehart Sermon N/A Monday Night A_Sermon_About_Nothing_09272021.mp3

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