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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
05/22/22 The Great Redeemer Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM The_Great_Redeemer_02222022.mp3
05/15/22 Love, Forgive, United Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Love_Forgive_United_05152022.mp3
04/24/22 Works Worthy of Repentance Darrell Powell N/A Sun 11:00 am Works_Worthy_of_Repentance_04242022.mp3
04/17/22 You Think You Are Bad Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM You_Think_You_Are_Bad_04172022.mp3
04/15/22 The Sanctified Church Brent Paschall N/A Fri Night The_Sanctified_Church_04152022.mp3
04/14/22 The Interdependent Church Brent Paschall N/A Thur Night The_Interdependent_Church_04142022.mp3
04/13/22 The_Diverse_Church Brent Paschall N/A Wed Night The_Diverse_Church_04132022.mp3
04/12/22 The Active Church Brent Paschall N/A Tuesday Night The_Active_Church_04122022.mp3
04/11/22 The United Church Brent Paschall N/A Monday Night The_United_Church_04112022.mp3
04/10/22 The Growing Church Brent Paschall N/A Sun 10:00 AM The_Growing_Church_04102022.mp3
04/03/22 Infallible Proofs Darrell Powell N/A Sun 11:00 am Infallible_Proofs_04032022.mp3
03/27/22 Overcoming Satan Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Overcoming_Satan_03272022.mp3
03/20/22 To Be a Baby or Not Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM To_Be_a_Baby_or_Not.mp3
03/13/22 An Inheritance Unlike This World Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM An_Inheritance_Unlike_This_World_03132022.mp3
03/06/22 No I in Team Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM No_I_in_Team_03062022.mp3
02/27/22 Led or Manipulated Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Led_or_Manipulated_022722.mp3
02/20/22 Tent to House Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Tent_to_House_022022.mp3
02/13/22 I'm Not Ashamed of My Lord Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Im_Not_Ashamed_of_My_Lord_02132022.mp3
02/06/22 God Testing Abraham Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM God_Testing_Abraham_02062022.mp3
01/30/22 Attributes of God Ed Williams N/A Sun 10:00 AM Attributes_of_God_01302022.mp3
01/23/22 Is God Jealous Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Is_God_Jealous_01262022.mp3
01/16/22 Is God Arrogant Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Is_God_Arrogant_01162021.mp3
01/09/22 Impactful Lives pt II Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Impactful_Lives_01092022.mp3
01/02/22 Impactful Lifes pt I Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Impactful_Lifes_01022022.mp3
12/26/21 Living for the Invisible Darrell Powell N/A Sun 10:00 AM Living_for_the_Invisible_12262021.mp3

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